Recyclean, Inc. Encourages People to “Think Past the Dumpster” For Eco-Friendly Demolition Options

With every passing year, more products and businesses are redesigned to be environmentally conscious from the development of reusable straws and cups to recycling campaigns and initiatives. While much of the focus for this effort to make the earth a greener place has focused on small items like water bottles and tin cans, companies like Recyclean, Inc. have bigger targets in mind.

Founder of Recyclean, Inc. Mike Goffman was inspired to find new solutions to recycle materials by his parents, who lived through the Great Depression and consequently learned the value of finding creative ways to use the resources available to them. He would often dumpster dive with his best friend as a child and sell his findings.

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Raw Materials Recycling Since January 1, 2018:
Masonry (Brick & Limestone) - 9,645,000 LBS
Wood Products - 1,025,652 LBS
Roofing Shingles Asphalt - 875,924 LBS
Insulation - 18,525 LBS
Metals - 1,125,775 LBS
Roofing (slate, etc.) - 385,450 LBS
Door & Windows - 2,701 Items
Lumber / Wood Products - 1,716,082 Board Feet
Glass - 62,581 LBS
Plastics - 137,258 LBS
Concrete & Masonry - 1,565,300 LBS
Metal Fixtures (Pipes etc) - 5,283 Items
Small Electronic Devices - 27,040 Items
Wood Products Cabinets - 4,562 Cabinets